Sunday, January 16, 2011

A "To Do" List on my "To Do" List


I honestly think one of the hardest parts of studying abroad is preparing to study abroad. On my to do list, number 13 says "Make a to do list for study abroad". I have exactly two weeks before I board a flight to Spain and I feel like there is a month's worth of things to do. I have a bad habit of procrastinating then spazzing out when it gets down to the wire. I am excited, nervous, anxious, impatient, ecstatic, and a whole bunch of other adjectives.

I already have my passport and everything I need to get in Spain without being an illegal immigrant : ) My friend "A Scottie in France" got me a super amazing deal on a flight because her father works for Delta. I'm ready to go, but I still have the little things to do like pack and make sure I have all my converters and adapters for European electric plugs. For some reason I can remember to pack like three tubes of toothpaste, but I will forget to pack socks. I need as much time as possible to pack and make sure I don't forget the essentials. 

Our guide told us to not bring everything we need so we have a reason to go out shopping. That is a lot easier said than done. What if they don't have the kind of soap I like or I can't find soft Kleenex? I know I'm not going on a safari in the middle of nowhere, but I still don't want to miss the comforts of home. We'll see once I get there. Until then, hasta pronto!!

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