Friday, March 4, 2011

I'm Officially a Movie Star...

well sorta kinda. My Spanish mommy is a clothing designer/actress and she is designing the wardrobe for a movie. I can’t remember the name in Spanish, but it translates to Creepy Lives. One day she tells me her movie needs a few extras to fill in the background of the movie. All I need to do is wear a white shirt, black shoes, and a belt. Simple, right? Not quite. Somehow, I managed to not have a nice white shirt or a belt. But never fear, Spanish mommy is here! She has a shirt and a belt for me to wear (of course she does, that’s her job!).

I was expecting to have to show up around 2 PM, but my Spanish mommy comes home around 11 AM and tells me they need me now. The director decided to change the order he wanted to shoot some scenes. She didn’t have the right wardrobe with her and of course she didn’t have me, the star : ) Anywho, I get to the “set” which is actually an old prison and yes it was indeed creepy.

My Spanish mommy led me inside and I met the director and some of the actors. For my scene, I have to wear this blue blazer, but blast it all the stupid thing doesn’t fit. The director ordered blazers that were all the same size (too small). The other two ladies who were already in the jackets had to pin them shut just to keep the tiny things from popping off. I think this could possibly be the first time that having giant boobs has actually hindered someone’s acting career. So frustrated and disappointed, I sit down in the room and watch people come in and out as they film their scenes. 

Cool side note: I watched the make-up artist turn a handsome older gentleman into a scruffy looking drunk with a black eye, busted lip, bruised forehead, and pock marks. She used a toothbrush dipped in a make-up alcohol mixture as a sort of low budget air brushing machine.

But back to the good part. Eventually, I go outside to where some of the actors are waiting. It was super freakin cold inside, so they went outside to stand in the sun. As I’m sitting outside, one of the women working came up and told me they needed me now. I thought I had missed my chance, but apparently not. I go inside and they tell me they need me to sit at this desk and read a newspaper. I’m like sure I can do that. But for some reason, there was a little table top fan just blowing away…did I mention it was freakin freezing inside. Then the director asks me what kind of pants I’m wearing. I guess he really liked my dark pants, because he gave me a bigger role in the movie. But apparently he didn’t like my jacket, so I have to take it off…once again, I find it fitting to remind you that it was super freakin COLD!!! Anywho, now my role was to open the cell door, look at the main actress as she walks through, then close the door. I can totally do that.

The director yells ACTION!  and I give the performance of my life. Then, he yells CUT! My feedback was “Muy serious. No smile.” (I thought this was a super cute example of Spanglish) So we shoot the scene two more times and that was it. They thanked me and I went back outside to wait for my Spanish mommy. I took a few pictures with one of the other actresses and all was said and done. So, it's official. I can now add movie star to my resume.

A picture I took of the prison that day. Creepy, right?

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