Sunday, February 27, 2011

Riddle: Why Did the Donkey Cross the Train Tracks?

Today my friends and I decided to take a little day trip to Alcudia. It's supposed to be super cute, have awesome beaches, AND it has some sort of old timey market on Sundays. Unfortunately, due to the ridiculous complexity of the Mallorcan transit system, we missed the right train by 15 minutes. The next wouldn't come for over an hour, so we decided to pick somewhere else and just go.

Alcudia: Where we planned to go
So the adventure began when some random squinty-eyed old creeper dude came up and started talking to me in the train station. I couldn't understand anything he was saying, but all I heard was the word morena (brown-skinned). My friend thought he was saying something rude so we were being kind of standoffish. Then, he tried to introduce me to some other creeper that had to be a good 40 years old. Apparently, he said something about how my brown skin was a pretty color or something like that. I'm like seriously? Grown man had to get his old creepy daddy to come hit on me? That's so not cool.

The adventure continued when we decided to venture to Manacor. We climb aboard the train, and all is well until... a friend, who shall remain nameless, really had to use the bathroom. Of course there are no bathrooms on the train and the situation is getting dire. My other friend  in a very MacGyver-esque fashion, chops the top of a 1.5 liter water bottle off with a key and tells her to use it like a porta potty. So she went to the back of the train and handled her business as I stood guard. Being a girl has it's perks, but men definitely got the long end of the stick (no pun intended) when it comes to being able to pee in random places.

All she needed was a 1.5 liter water bottle and a key.

So back to the riddle. Why did the donkey cross the train tracks? 

Answer: Doesn't matter. He didn't make it.

As we pull up to a stop (that isn't Manacor) the conductor tells us we have to get off. Now we might be foreign, but we can read and we know we are not in Manacor. Then a friend goes to talk to the conductor. She comes back and tells us they shut down the tracks because a train hit a donkey. We're like WHAT?!?!? Things like this only happen to us. We had to wait for a bus to come (in the freezing rain might I add) to take us the rest of the way. I'm still trying to figure out why there's a problem. How long does it take to clean up a donkey? I guess it's just one of those things you never think you'll have to deal with until you have to deal with it. I just feel sorry for the people who lost their donkey that day. Well... I guess it wasn't that great of a day for the donkey either.

Part Two to Come

1 comment:

  1. LOL!! This is so funny Chelsea! I'm waiting impatiently for part two.
