Friday, March 18, 2011

Awkward Times at the Bus Stop

*Names have been changed to protect the innocent : )

Throughout my life I have been told that I am a pretty weird girl. Well then that whole Birds of a feather flock together thing is completely true. I just realized that I have made some pretty interesting friends during my short time here in Spain. First, there's the fiery Bridget who I shared a room with the first night I arrived in Spain. Then, there's the lovely Heather who I met in the metro station on my way back from the university. Finally, there's the witty Amari who I met through Heather (they are in the same program). 

Side note: I'm only focusing on these three because spending time with them at the bus stop is what inspired this post. There are many more lovely friends I have made here who might get their name changed at some point in a post or two : )

In Palma, there is a street called Paseo Maritimo where there are a lot of  bars and discotecas. Due to the fact that it was St. Patrick's Day, we thought it would be completely fitting to go to an Irish pub on Paseo. We went there it was cool, but the interesting things happened once we got to the bus stop. My entire time in Palma has pretty much been a transportation fail (that's a whole other post), so waiting at a bus stop has been a chance for many of my friends and I to really bond. This night was no different as we waited (for over an hour) for the bus.

Transportation Fail
Somehow, my friend Heather got me to scratch her back and she wouldn't let me stop. Then, Bridget is like "Well can you scratch my head too?". So I end up using one hand to scratch Heather's back while the other scratches Bridget's head. I'm feeling super used at this point, so I tell Heather to get Amari to scratch her back. Amari's reply is, "Only if you purr like a cat". We're like WTF?!? What kind of weird fantasy are you trying to reenact right now? Of course Heather doesn't agree to purr, but Bridget (being the feisty girl that she is) says she'll do it. The purring only lasts for a minute then Amari stops scratching Heather's back. Of course, she runs straight over to me trying to give me puppy dog eyes to get me to scratch her back again. Finally, she resorts to force/wearing me down and once again I'm being used as a human back scratcher. Apparently, people enjoy having their backs scratched even when they're not itchy, but to me this is just weird.

This is how the night ended

I know this doesn't seem very interesting, but it's one of those you had to be there sort of things. Lots of awkward things got mentioned including kitty fetishes, cheap whores/volunteer whoring, use of the phrase "You're a kitty, climb on under there!", mention of being Bridget's hip warmer, and more tom-foolery that I can't even remember right now. The night ended with us waiting at the bus stop for over an hour until we eventually just decided to take a cab home. All in all, I thought it was a pretty good time. And I found out a LOT of things about my friends that I never knew before. Bus stop bonding time is the best bonding time : )


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