Tuesday, March 29, 2011

New Thing to Add to My Resume: English Teacher

So one of my Vandy friends helped me get a job working as an English teacher for a local family. The mom is a doctor and I don't know what the dad does, but it's probably good decent work (a doctor wouldn't marry a bum right?) They have a 3 year old little girl and a 2 year old little boy. They are both super cute, and are helping to ease my toddler withdrawals (since I'm not with my nephews). Spanish parents are making sure their kids learn English as soon as possible. The mom told me the 2 year old doesn't even talk yet, but she just wants him exposed to English early. The 3 year old speaks Spanish and knows a bit of Catalan, so as far as I'm concerned she's already doing pretty well.

The little girl spoke to me a little bit and I got her to say "pink" and "bicycle" but that's about it. She was being a bit stubborn, but I guess we just need more time to get to know each other. The little boy just wanted to take all the notecards and toss them everywhere, but he was just so cute I didn't care. I'm getting some bilingual books for next time because clearly I need a plan.

So far, things to add to my resume:
  1. Movie star
  2. Puppy wrangler
  3. Salsa dancer
  4. Spider monkey
  5. Flamenco dancer 
  6. Professional back scratcher
  7. Chef
  8. Archaeologist
  9. Art critic
  10. English teacher
I should be able to get a job anywhere, right?

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